Chained Together: How to Load the Game and Save Progress

At first glance, Chained Together's special progress-saving mechanism could seem a bit obscure. Given that this is a difficult game where you don't want to lose a lot of progress, it seems sense that players would want to know how to save. Simply because you neglected to manually save. Everything you need is provided here.

Ways to Preserve Advancement in Chained Together

At certain moments in the game, your progress is really automatically saved , and self-created checkpoints cannot be manually saved. When you completely quit the game or enter a new level (marked by a stage title showing on screen), the game automatically saves.

chained together characters falling

How to Import a Previous Chained Together Save File

Upon initiating a fresh lobby to Have fun with palsYes, you can . Select Save. you want to proceed with. By clicking this, you'll effectively be teleported back to the place where you last left the game, where your progress is loaded.

load previous game save quit game

You may also look for the teleport options inside a game by going to the Settings. such are the load checkpoint option, the highest unlocked point, and the closest safe spot ().

According to It's Sancarlo The checkpoints on Steam Community are located at

  • 1st Checkpoint: 576m
  • 2nd Checkpoint: 1675m
  • 3th Checkpoint: 2757m

Only if you start a new lobby with the exact identical settings as your last session will this "Load Previous Save" option function. It is not meant to be used for setting checkpoints inside a level, but rather to continue where you left off when you exited the game. As noted by a developer on Discord, keep in mind that using saves will prohibit reporting the score to the leaderboard.

discord announcement about saves disabling sending score to leaderboard

While Normal and Lava modes often prohibit teleporting, Beginner mode provides a teleport feature to aid with fall recovery. If implemented strategically, this may serve as a soft checkpoint inadvertently.

Therefore, make sure that you and your friends agree on the difficulty mode and appropriate degree of challenge in order to provide a seamless encounter. To reduce the amount of time you must depend on earlier saves, coordinate and plan your leaps and moves.

Once you and your pals grasp Chained Together's save structure, you can concentrate on having fun and working together to overcome the game's obstacles.

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