The Meaning of the AC Mirage's End (With Theories)

I'm going to explain why the conclusion of Assassin's Creed Mirage is among the greatest in the series, even surpassing that of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and the Ezio Trilogy. As they reconcile with their old life and memories, we see the beginning of a reborn Isu for the first time. Reincarnations have been witnessed in the past; examples include Germain in Unity, Roberts in Black Flag, and Eivor in Valhalla, who was an Odin reincarnation. However, Odin was never able to subjugate Eivor; instead, they developed a respectful alliance. However, Basim accepted his actual status as Loki voluntarily, which was the point of the "Mead" he consumed.

Aside from Svala, Freyja's reincarnation, Loki is the only Çsir member who has been entirely resurrected with his knowledge. Players who haven't played Valhalla may find this puzzling, particularly in light of Mirage's hurried conclusion. Without the framework of Loki's Æsir lore, Basim's abrupt transformation from an inquisitive scholar to a self-assured and crafty genius is hard to comprehend. Additionally, the game's conclusion leaves open questions about how Basim reconciles his two selves and his desire to connect with like-minded others.

There are major spoilers for Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and Assassin's Creed Mirage in the following content.

Having played Mirage, I think Basim's character arc is among the best written and most sad in the series, comparable to Edward Kenway's, if not surpassing the illustrious narrative of Ezio Auditore. I'll analyse Mirage's conclusion in-depth in this piece, giving new players crucial background.

The following are the main spoilers that are necessary to understand our content:

  • The final confrontation between Roshan and Basim
  • The final scene in the Isu temple
  • The actual identity of Nehal
  • What Jinni (Djinn) means to Basim

The Meaning of the Assassin's Creed Mirage Ending: Basim's Change into Loki

The conclusion of Assassin's Creed Mirage depicts how Basim, a crafty teenage street thief in Baghdad in the ninth century, learns that he is really a reproduction of an Isu—the creature that the Norse regard as the trickster deity Loki. Basim is on a treacherous trip to reconcile with his children and his true love, Aletheia, after accepting his new fate. In addition, he swears to face Odin, the "mad one."

For ardent Assassin's Creed enthusiasts, the conclusion is a lore-heavy riddle that will leave many gamers perplexed, but it's worth experiencing. Many players might find this conclusion confusing, particularly if they haven't played through AC Valhalla to the very end or have forgotten the subtleties of the plot. The Assassin's Creed Mirage ending reveals the following key points:

  • Roshan knows about Basim’s “more than a man” nature.
  • Basim remembers his Isu past and torture.
  • Basim’s embracement and transformation to Loki.
  • Basim sets out to find his beloved, his children, and even the ‘mad one’ (Odin).

We analyse the aforementioned elements from the game's final cutscene. If you would want to review the information before going into the specifics, I have included the clip.

Basum's True Identity Is Known by Roshan

In self-defence after the event at the Winter Palace, Basim unintentionally murdered Al-Mutawakkil with a knife. When Roshan sees Basim the next day, he questions him about the "Precursor relic" that he took. Roshan's look when Basim informs her, "That object," is visible. I felt something from it. I was in another place. chilly. and terrified.

Roshan Knows About Basim's "More Than a Man" Nature

In order to avoid giving away the conclusion to the viewers, the camera obscures Rohan's face. Roshan discovers that Basim has Ancient blood flowing through his veins (because of Mead and Yggdrasil; more on this later in the piece). She understands that Basim is a crucial component of the Order of the Ancients. In order to protect Basim from the Order, Roshan requested him to accompany her.

Roshan hesitated and was reluctant to send Basim prior to the Order's leader, Qabiha Al-Bahamut, being assassinated. However, she grudgingly accepts after considerable persuasion from Basim, and gives him the assignment.

Qabiha tells Basim his past "more than a man"

Before Basim could deliver the last blow, Qabiha says to him, "Come to Alamut with me." All the wisdom you are heir to is concealed inside its Temple walls. Qabiha discovered the truth about Basim from her son Abu'Abdallah (Qabiha was the concubine of Caliph Al-Mutawakkil), who was there at Winter Place when Basim assassinated his father.

However, Roshan murders Qabiha before she can reveal anything further to Basim. Roshan, it is revealed, followed Basim and saw firsthand what she had dreaded. She tells Basim that Roshan will be the one to murder him if he allows himself to be influenced by Qabiha's words.

The Real Identity of Nehal Unveiled

We discover that Basim Ibn Ishaq is the reincarnation of Isu known as Loki in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. We also found out that some of the Æsir uploaded their consciousness into the human gene pool using the Yggdrasil supercomputer in order to escape the Ragnarök and Great Catastrophe. Thousands of years later, Loki used the catalyst to resurrect as Basim after slyly breaking into the Yggdrasil laboratory.

Driven by a need for answers, Basim arrives to the Isu temple underneath the Assassins' stronghold in Alamut at the conclusion of Assassin's Creed Mirage. His mysterious friend Nehal assists him in opening the door, saying that she "just knows" how to accomplish it and that his blood is the key. Nehal disappears as soon as they reach the temple, leaving Basim alone himself to confront its mysteries.

Basim finds an odd-looking contraption that has an imprisoned individual screaming for assistance. Nehal is there as he unlocks the gadget, her terrified eyes wide.

As the truth comes to light, Basim discovers that Nehal is a creation of his own mind and a manifestation of Loki's consciousness—a portion of himself that he has up until now denied. She serves as a reminder of his actual character and a mirror of the man he previously was.

Conversations between Basim and Nehal are only mental exchanges between him and his subconscious as he struggles with his dual personality. Through the prism of Loki's awareness, Basim's thoughts and emotions are reflected in every move she makes and every word she says.

Loki uses Basim as a proxy when Nehal stabs Caliph Al-Mutawakkil in the neck because of his innate survival instinct. Self-preservation is Loki's first priority, and he will do whatever is takes to keep himself safe, even if it means sacrificing others.

Upon examining the cutscenes, we see that Nehal is never acknowledged or interacted with by any other character in the game. Loki/Nehal stayed away from anyone except Basim since they were aware of this.

Nobody else sees or hears Nehal but Basim. Loki has skilfully constructed this illusion, understanding that it would be the most efficient means of controlling and influencing Basim's traumas related to his status as a Sage.

Loki even selected Samarra, the birthplace of Basim. Given that Alamut Castle was constructed on the site of his captivity, Samarra is just 950 km (590 miles) away. For this reason, Loki was reincarnated in the Near East, whereas the other Æsir were reborn in their former territory of northern Europe.

The Significance of Nehal's Departure

The conclusion of Nehal's narrative in the precursor Assassin's Creed Mirage will be a jaw-dropping revelation if you haven't played Assassin's Creed Valhalla, proving that Loki has been in control of Basim from the shadows the whole time. It is evidence of Loki's slyness and deviousness.

The conclusion then goes on to set up the epic battle in Assassin's Creed Valhalla between Basim and the other Isu reincarnations, including the Mad One (Odin).

The Jinn's Significance to Basim

The Jinni (Djinn), the personification of the Guard that tormented Basim when he was a prisoner, represents the concealed terror and anguish that Basim went through as Loki. It dawns on Basim that the space he finds himself in is a jail. And there he was a prisoner. The whole otherworldly technology-filled space is designed to torment him. Jinni is really Skaði, the Guard mentioned in line , who has been tasked with torturing Loki till the end of time.The memory seal conceals the first clue. When Loki exclaims, "Srraesnos! Dű hm zárhasi làygw r!You can hear the female voice of the Guard shouting, "Seylos!" (meaning quiet in Proto-Indo-European *seyl-) (which Nihal translates for us as "Hrgh! Enough! Let me out of here!”).The belief holds that all of the Indo-European language family's languages descended from the Isu language. The Isu language was created by the Assassin's Creed team using Proto-Indo-European (PIE) vocabulary that has been rebuilt. They created a language that is both familiar and foreign by drawing inspiration from Old and Classical Latin, Ancient Greek, and Sanskrit to fill in the holes.

Ancient Norse books, the Prose and Poetic Eddas, relate the story of jötunn Skaði, who binds Loki and torments him by holding a poisonous snake above him. The second hint in Assassin's Creed Mirage is the dagger the guard is holding, which has a cutout in the blade that looks like snake teeth. The dagger is a terrifying reminder of Skaði's ruthlessness and a foreshadowing of the torture Basim is in for.In the Norse story of Loki's Binding, Thor uses the word "silence" (þɫgn) to continually quiet the cunning deity. This apparently simple gesture serves as a potent reminder of the Æsir's distaste for Loki's cunning and deceit. It also implies that Loki is now helpless and confined as a result of his silver tongue's ultimate failure. "Seylos! ", the Isu Skaði using ("silence") illustrates how Æsir and Skaði, instead of listening to Loki's pleadings, will rather punish and quiet him until the Great Catastrophe.The tendriLoki's punishment in the Isu realm is reminiscent of the Norse tale of his Binding. The prison pod, with its writhing tentacles, reflects the innards that ensnare him in legend. The Guard's blade, with its snake-like teeth, symbolises the poisonous snake that drops poison above him. The giantess Skaði, who torments him in the Eddas, is embodied in ghostly form by the Guard.
Here’s my artistic interpretation (using my clearly limited Photoshop skills) showing how the poisonous dagger later became a “snake” in Norse legends.
According to the Assassin's Creed world, we must dive into the Norse stories that were handed down as legends from the time of Isu in order to solve the riddles surrounding the binding of Loki. Through the decades, these stories have echoed and revealed secrets about Loki's existence as Skaði's prisoner, including his innermost fears and enduring anguish.

The Binding of Loki (Version Based on Norse Mythology)

The story of Loki comes to a close with the Binding of Loki, at least until he breaks free during Ragnarök. According to the legend, Thor brings Loki to his knees because of his part in the demise of Odin's cherished son, Baldur. After Thor's victory, he ordered Loki to remain quiet at least four times while threatening to use Mjöllnir at each instance.We now know that "Sylos," the guard in the Mirage ending sequence in Loki's jail, is the Isu word for silence. This may be seen as a clue that Thor is the Guard. But the feminine voice of the Guard implies that she is Skaði.After being apprehended, Loki was tied with his son Nari's entrails, while his son Narfi was transformed into a wolf. Loki's face was covered with a poisonous serpent that Skaði affixed, causing him to be covered in poison until Ragnarök.There are many versions of this tale in Norse mythology, thus certain elements could change. However, the main narrative is that Loki was enchained and tormented till the end of time as retribution for his misdeeds.

Loki's Binding (Isu Edition)

The gloomy destiny that awaited the Æsir and Vanir was revealed to Odin by the Nornir, a trio of sage ladies who studied the Calculations about the future timelines. All the readings pointed to the same unavoidable conclusion: before the Great Catastrophe, the majority of the Asgardian Isu will be wiped out in a last war against Asgard by the Jötnar and other Isu groups.Jötnar Aletheia and Jötnar Isu Loki fell in love during the Asgard-Jotunheim conflict. Since he wed Sigyn and allied with the Æsir via his blood-brother Odin, their love was outlawed.Aletheia and Loki both believed they would eventually perish. They realised that their love was about to end since all six of the remedies to the Great Catastrophe had failed.Aletheia had known the Capitoline Triad, the three Isu scientists developing plans to avert the Great Catastrophe, firsthand as the Dikastes of Atlantis. She was privy to the Olympos Project data, which she hated, as well as the fifth and sixth solutions.Loki and Aletheia made the decision to have children together because they knew the apocalypse was coming. They wanted to make sure that their love would endure in the aftermath of the tragedy. Three offspring were born to them: Fenrir, Hel, and Jörmungandr.The results of calculations indicated that the offspring of Loki and Aletheia would be crucial to the events of Ragnarök.Odin commands that Fenir be imprisoned until the conclusion of the Isu days at the Great Catastrophe because of his involvement in Ragnarök. Because of the different outcomes and modified timeframes in Calculations, Loki feels that this is a "invented crime" and that it is thus unjust. Therefore, despite not having yet done the crime for which he is being punished, Fenrir is behind bars.In vengeance, Loki plans to murder Baldr, Odin's son. Baldr dies in two different ways in the Assassin's Creed world. In one account, Baldr is poisoned with mistel-berries by Loki. In the other version, Baldr is captured and killed by Loki using the Muspels, a race of giants made of fire.Seeking retribution, Odin imprisoned Loki in a secluded Isu prison on the outskirts of Jötunheimr, where he would suffer day and night torment at the hands of the jötunn Isu Skaði until the Great Catastrophe. Skaði is Odin's choice because she shares his abhorrence of Loki. Since Loki was the one who started the series of events that ended with Þjazi, Skaði's father, dying.Through the Animus Anomalies puzzles in AC Valhalla, Layla Hassan and I, the players, were informed of Loki's bond. We hear conversations between Loki and Aletheia throughout the riddles. We will now provide the discussion that served as the foundation for the activities.
Memory Fragment: Hlutrholt
Loki discovers the "seventh solution" to surviving the Great Catastrophe during this conversation:
  • Aletheia: I’ve spoken with the Mother, the Father, the Sacred Voice. They have assured me their success is imminent. Our people will survive the cataclysm.
  • Loki: Six times they have tried to save us. Six times, they have failed. Forgive me if I have my doubts.
  • Aletheia: The Mother is working on a seventh. A bold solution… risky. But she is confident it can work.
  • Loki: And what does the Father say? Or the Voice? They are strangely silent these days…
Memory Fragment: Thornburg Henges
  • Loki: Curse that Mad One, that one-eyed wretch! He has taken our son! Imprisoned him for invented crimes and locked him away!
  • Aletheia: As he said he would love. Do you not remember his threats? You should have been more careful.
  • Loki: Have we no power to stop him? To save our son? No recourse?
  • Aletheia: What can we say? And to whom? Must the world know about our children? Must your wife learn of us? Is that a risk you want to take?
  • Loki: I must do something! Anything!
Memory Fragment of Quartzite Ridge
  • Aletheia: My love, what happened? You are flushed trembling.
  • Loki: An eye for an eye. A son for a son. If ours must suffer needlessly to the end of his life, so will his tormentor.
  • Aletheia: What… what have you done?
  • Loki: The poor boy collapsed so suddenly. Felled by the faintest taste of mistel-berry. With his father standing over him, weeping!
  • Aletheia: Reckless, foolish! Were you seen? Do they know it was you?
  • Loki: (laughs)
Memory Fragment Kildesbig
  • Aletheia: Wake, my love, wake! Soldiers at our door. They’ve come for you! For us.
  • Loki: Let them take me. I have no more fear. Let me air my wrath in the courts.
  • Aletheia: They’ll kill you before they let you speak!
  • Loki: I’ll appeal to the Council. They must know what the Mad One has done.
  • Aletheia: They’re upon us! Now is not the time!
Memory Fragment: Briudun Hill
  • Aletheia: Have you heard? The High Council has stripped the Mother of her title for gifting our tormentor her seventh method of salvation.
  • Loki: The seventh method? Is it viable? Why were we not told?
  • Aletheia: I’ve heard whispers and rumors. It seems the seventh requires a human host.
  • Loki: A human host? Do you mean… rebirth? As one of them?
  • Aletheia: Yes. But it’s a small loss for a greater gain. A risk we must be willing to take.
Memory Fragment of Aqueduct
  • Loki: The Mad One is away, wandering in lands afar. He searches for a way to resurrect his son. Asking every leaf and stone for answers.
  • Aletheia: We can use this to our advantage. To steal the seventh, the seal and its catalyst.
  • Loki: It should be ours. For all the suffering he has wrought.
  • Aletheia: Our minds are attuned, love as sympathetic strings.
  • Loki: When the time is right, just right, we’ll go.
Ruins of Basilica (Memory Fragment)
  • Aletheia: Ah! Stop… stop!
  • Loki: Keep still, love. You’re injured. Now let me see…
  • Aletheia: Ah! No… no more, please. Let me… let me die. Here. Where all is quiet.
  • Loki: No! This is… this is NOT your end. There is a way. A Piece of Eden, a staff attuned to this method of transfer. It may work!
  • Aletheia: Or I may end up like the outcast’s husband—a beating heart without a mind. But do what you must… I see no other way.
Memory Fragment: Needham Lake
  • Loki: Be still, love. And let the current flow. Let it take you.
  • Aletheia: Is this…? This is dangerous. It may not work.
  • Loki: Until we have the serum, this is all we can manage.
  • Aletheia: Will you not ask the Mad One for me? Ask him for the serum. Beg him for it.
  • Loki: He would not listen. And I would sooner see our world obliterated before I gave that man a view of me on my knees.
The Seven Sisters (A Fragment of Memory)
  • Loki: My love, are you there? Speak and tell me you live.
  • Aletheia: I… I live… if this is living—a mind without a body.
  • Loki: And do you feel?
  • Aletheia: I feel myself. My sense of being. Nothing more. Nothing less. No pain or… or joy… or passage of time.
  • Loki: And yet, you are with me. And I am with you. And together, we will endure.
The Needles: A Fragment of Memory
  • Loki: My love, the time is now. The cataclysm is upon us. The Mad One has gathered his trusted eight to his secret hall.
  • Aletheia: Remember the Calculations. You must act with precision. Every small step must be accounted for.
  • Loki: I’ll remember. They are burned into my brain.
  • Aletheia: How long till your rebirth?
  • Loki: A long time, love. You must wait in your endless present, and I will sail the black sea of nonbeing. But if all goes well, I’ll find you again on the far side of our doom. We’ll be together. Again.
The Significance of Jinni's DepartureWhen Basim was younger, the Jinni began to come to him, and it still haunts him now. We know that although Sages have distinct personalities and memories from birth, they also carry on the memories of their Isu forebears from earlier games and databases. These memories may be painful since they often appear as visions in infancy or adulthood.Eivor was plagued by thoughts of being betrayed by Sigurd by losing his hand, and these memories manifested as a gigantic wolf named Fenrir. For this was not what Odin had anticipated from Tír. Even when Túr looks at Fenrir and declares, "It was not for you," the greatest sacrifice performed by any Isu in the nine realms is done on Havi's behalf.Born inside the Abbasid Caliphate's Arabian Empire, Basim was raised according to the customs and values of his own country. Arabic mythology states that jinni may frighten those who kick their houses or unintentionally murder a jinni that is linked to them. In this instance, Loki murdered the Isu Baldr and tramped on Skaði's household.

Loki's Metamorphosis: How Basim Assisted the Trickster God in Developing

We now understand that Nehal is Basim's resident embodiment of Loki. She has been trying to keep Basim safe from the game's opening, but if he's willing to take a chance, she encourages him to do it on his own.This is the point at which the ideologies of the two protagonists diverge. Basim feels that standing up against oppressors as the Hidden Ones does is important, and she has a "sense of duty" and believes in the "enrichment of the soul."Nehal or Loki is not like that. When Basim does "errands" for a few Dirhams, as Nehal refers to it, Nehal detests it. Nehal is also seen attempting to restrain Basim when she feels that he is taking unwarranted risks. Nehal, however, is fond of Basim. Nehal may be shown to sympathise with Basim and sometimes feel proud of him when he speaks about his father and how he tried to make the lives of those around him better.Loki's self-preservation manifests itself as his concern for Basim's well-being. Something Loki felt only for Aletheia and their three kids. As a Hidden One, Basim cared for mankind, endured hardship, and battled the Order of Ancients until he could console Eivor. An notion that transformed Loki from an Isu to the men's defence against the Order that adhered to the Isu's philosophy. Something that Basim imparted to him inWe saw the development of an Isu that detested people and once exclaimed, "A human host? You know, like a rebirth? Like one of them?pointing with contempt at the seventh way to someone who began showing compassion for others, including Haytham and others. Even the young Hytham is seen in Mirage seeing Basim do a Leap of Faith from the top of the minaret Al-Mi'dhana Al-'Ateeqa to let Hytham to follow him down to safety. a teacher-student sentiment that even in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Loki and Basim were there.

Isu Lore 101: All the Information You Need to Know About the Ancient Gods in Assassin's Creed

To fully comprehend the story and purpose, there is one thing we need to get clear. The primary antagonist of the current Assassin's Creed narrative arc is Odin, All-Father, also known as Havi. Eivor Varinsdottir is not a villain in any sense because of this. The reason for this is because Eivor Varinsdottir is not All-Father Odin's whole awareness. While Evior did inherit Odin's DNA, she refused to allow Odin to control her thoughts, in contrast to Basim Ibn Ishaq who came to terms with and unified with Loki as a part of his history.Some of this may be difficult to understand at first. In order to explain each section, we will break the solution up into separate pieces. To comprehend Loki and Basim's storyline, we must integrate the narrative components from earlier AC games, Valhalla, and Norse mythology. Therefore, here are the fundamentals required to completely comprehend Assassin's Creed Mirage's ending:
  • What is the Great Catastrophe, the First Disaster?
  • Æsir Isu Ragnarök (Twilight of the Gods)
  • What Were the 7 Isu Solutions to the Great Catastrophe?
  • What is Mead & Yggdrasil?
  • Why is Eivor Not Odin Like Basim is Loki?
  • Project Anthropos & Homo Sapiens
  • Olympos Project & Hybrid Beasts
  • Nornir’s Prophecy & Nature of Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Hel
  • Why Loki Smuggled Builder?
  • How Baldr Died
  • How Baldr Survives Ragnarök & Great Catastrophe
  • Bondage of Loki (the True Meaning of Mirage’s Ending)
  • How Yggdrasil Works
  • How Aletheia Manupulated Layla
The day the world ended (and began again) is known as the Great Catastrophe.Around 75,000 BCE, or 2306 IE (Isu Era), the Great Catastrophe, often called the First Disaster, was a devastating occurrence during the prehistoric era of humans. The planet was exposed to the Sun's lethal radiation and the Earth's magnetic field was reversed as a result of a coronal mass ejection. It took place in the midst of the Human-Isu War.The planet was completely destroyed by the Great Catastrophe, which left the surface desolate and killed only a small number of humans and Isu. Although both species faced near-mass extinction, it also resulted in a peace pact between the survivors. Together with Isu, the surviving humans started to reconstruct the planet using their combined knowledge and resources.

Ragnarök: The Gods' Twilight and Asgard's Destruction

The Æsir and Vanir Isu: Assassin's Creed's Lost Scandinavian Gods

Image credits: by Reddit users in r/assassinscreed
Two strong Isu groups ruling over Scandinavia were the Æsir and the Vanir. The two factions clashed because of their overlapping areas of influence and territory, which led to the Æsir-Vanir War.Following the scheduled marriage of the Æsir ruler Odin and the Vanir goddess Freyja, the conflict came to an end. The Vanir were eventually assimilated into the Çsir, and the gods of the modern Çsir-Vanir pantheon, including Odin, Freyja, Tër, Thor, Heimdall, and Baldr, are among its merged members.During this period, Loki and Odin, two Isus from the Jötnar group, became biological brothers. He even wed one of the Æsir, Sigyn. But this blood tie would finally be put to the test when Loki's descendent was implicated in the prophecy of Odin's death by the Nornir, the three destinies.The prophesy fostered mistrust among the blood brothers and paved the way for the Æsir and Vanir's ultimate downfall. To save his family, Loki changed into a crafty and devious intellect.

Ragnarök: The Norse Gods' Certain Destruction

Ragnarök came to pass as predicted because Odin, assisted by Isu Juno, took a serum known as Mead from the Jötnar, a significant Isu group from Jötunheimr. Odin made the only decision to avert the Great Catastrophe for himself and the other seven Çsir gods. He thus made the decision to discard saving the genetic memory of any other Isu. Odin was prepared to let Loki and his offspring to perish in the Great Catastrophe along as all other Isu groups.This sparked the epic battle known as Ragnarök, in which a significant number of people died on both sides. Lead by Loki and his offspring, Jötnar, Muspels, and Hel's forces defeated Æsir-Vanir and the einherjar who pursued them.This took place just before to Earth's Great Catastrophe. Ultimately, the prophesy came to pass, and Ragnarök materialised, resulting in significant losses for both sides, including the predicted death of Odin.However, Odin and seven of his most dependable Isu followers—Thor, Sif, Frey, Idun, Tyr, Loki, Freyja, Heimdall, and Thor—uploaded their genetic memories via DNA into Yggdrasil, the World Tree, before to their deaths.Additionally, Loki was able to enter the Yggdrasil lab covertly and implant his mind into the human genome. As other Asgardian Isu reincarnated as humans hundreds of years later, this aided Loki's rebirth as Basim.Seven Efforts the Isu Made to Preserve Theirselves During the Great CatastropheFollowing the Great Catastrophe, Isu came up with seven ways to stop the catastrophe:
  1. Build four towers to collect the solar flare into the Grand Temple and eliminate it. One of the incomplete towers, Eitri Tower, is still in Svartálfaheimr.
  2. Produce and deliver the Ring of Eden to all Isu citizens. The Ring of Eden was a Piece of Eden that projected an electromagnetic field to deflect magnetic projectiles and energy-based weapons discharges.
  3. Use all Apples of Eden from space to control the entire human species to believe in the same idea of safety, making the idea a reality.
  4. Use time travel and inform the Isu in the past about the Great Catastrophe so they can find new solutions to face it.
  5. Transform Isu bodies to withstand solar radiation. Juno’s husband, Aita, volunteered to test this method.
  6. Create machines/objects to store an Isu’s consciousness and retrieve it after the disaster.
  7. Allow the Isu’s consciousness to be reincarnated through the human species. This involved using a catalyst known as the Mead and the powerful supercomputer Yggdrasil to store and preserve an Isu’s genetic memories in the human gene pool.
However, for various reasons, none of these methods were successful on a large scale:
  1. As per Isu’s Calculations, all four towers could not be completed in time.
  2. The Rings of Eden project was too large and impractical.
  3. Using the Apples of Eden to control humanity from orbit failed.
  4. The Isu ran out of time to build a time machine.
  5. Aita, Juno’s husband, volunteered to test the fifth solution, which involved transferring his genetic memory into another body. The experiment failed, but it led to Juno joining forces with Odin and using the Mead (seventh solution) to create the Sages of Aita. This allowed Aita to reincarnate as a human repeatedly over thousands of years.
  6. The sixth solution, which involved transferring consciousness into and out of vessels, failed because the technology could not be developed properly.
  7. Many of the high-ranking Isu feared that the seventh solution would eventually destroy humanity, so they banned the use of the technology. Only a few people, such as Odin, seven of his Æsir, and Basim, managed to use the seventh solution before the Great Catastrophe.

Mead and Yggdrasil: The Tree of Life and the Nectar of the Gods

The Mead, a catalyst serum used in tandem with the Yggdrasil supercomputer, was the seventh and last method the Isu came up with to escape the Great Catastrophe. An Isu's mind might be preserved by the Mead when used in conjunction with Yggdrasil, enabling them to reincarnate as humans in the far future.Eivor's visions depict Juno (as the jötunn Hyrrokin) as helping Odin steal the Mead from the Grand Temple. Juno is jealous that Isu won't survive but humans will, and becomes determined to preserve her spouse Aita's genetic memory.Subsequently, Odin offered his left eye as a sacrifice and combined it with the Mímir Well to provide the catalyst required to start the Mead. In order to transform people into genetically identical Isu replicas, the catalyst will implant an Isu genetic source in them.Additionally, Aita's memory was successfully uploaded into the human gene pool by Juno, enabling several reincarnations of AIta as distinct characters throughout human history. Germain from AC Unity, Roberts from Black Flag, and several more are among these reincarnations.

The Reason Eivor Resisted Odin While Basim Accepted Loki

Since the seventh answer had never been put to the test, the Isu had failed to account for and predict human willingness and hope in their calculations. Hope was the burning flame that ignited humankind at the outset of slavery and gave birth to the slave uprising.Isu didn't realise at the time that enthusiasm was essential to the event solution's success. Additionally, the Isu awareness continues to exist and attempt to stabilise in the human mind. This is seen in Sages of Aita, when a number of people finally lost their brains and became insane as a result of Aita's memories and personality gradually taking control of the humans. Because of this, there have only been a very small number of successful Sages of Aita throughout history, despite the fact that the Abstergo Industries database indicates that the likelihood of sages exists significantly greater.Odin made an effort to win Eivor over. Young Eivor was plagued by Odin's voice and recollections when the wolf bit her neck. Odin sent Eivor a vision of himself after murdering Kjotve. He was with her as she made all of the important choices in her life.Instead of attempting to take control of Eivor's thoughts, Odin wanted her to accept their fate and spend the remainder of her days in the Isu-created simulation known as Valhalla. A brawl broke out when Eivor refused. She disapproved of Odin's awareness.The last chapter of Eivor Varinsdottir's tale, which can be found in the free DLC update, is the only section where we see her live out the remainder of her days in Vinland, where she continues to learn from her prior experiences as Odin. They were two distinct creatures that respected one another while coexisting in the same consciousness.The author of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Darby McDevitt, describes the distinction between Odin and Eivor as follows:Darby McDevitt, the narrative director of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, says, "Odin is not a separate entity inside Eivor; he is not a parasite trying to 'take over.' We have simply dramatised the friction between her human personality and the 'previous Isu life' that is slowly revealed to her." This passage demonstrates that despite being Odin's reincarnation, Eivor is still uniquely herself. She is not his property, and she is not always in agreement.This is not at all like Basim's situation with Loki. The

Project Anthropos: The Story of How the Isu Made Humans

Hope has always been the fuel for rebellions started by enslaved humans and hybrids. The Æsir branch of the Isu conducted Project Anthropos, a scientific endeavour to create the human species, as revealed in the Assassin's Creed mythos. Then Isu scientist Phanes successfully genetically developed the submissive human race as a slave labour in Eden, working under the direction of Isu Yaldabaoth.Deep inside the brain, Phanes discovered chemicals that governed human emotions, ideas, and behaviour. The Isu employed certain Pieces of Eden to manipulate their human captives, and these neurotransmitters reacted to those Pieces.Since humans eventually outnumbered the Isu, many of them decided to interbreed with their human labour force. Eventually, the neurotransmitters that rendered hybrid humans subservient to the Isu started to be absent from birth.Adam and Eve, the hybrid humans, revolted against their oppressors in 75,010 BCE, defending humanity's hope and free choice. They were joined by other hybrids, and together they led the other humans in revolt. Even though Medjay Bayek and his wife Aya formed the Hidden Ones, Adam and Eve are still regarded as the first proto-Assassins since they used their immunity to Pieces of Eden to come close to and murder Isu creatures.The Isu and humans matched each other perfectly in battle. The Assassins defeated the Isu one by one when they resisted the Pieces of Eden, which the Isu used to subjugate people.

The Isu' Secret Living Weapons: The Olympos Project

Numerous animals from Greek mythology are included in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. In the Atlantis simulation, these monsters include the Minotaur, Medusa, Sphinx, Cyclopes, and more. As to the game's mythology, Juno and Aita developed these hybrid animals as a component of the Olympos Project.These Atlantis artefacts, which were fresh Precursor relics created especially to be used as weapons, transformed these hybrid beasts—humans—into weapons. In the Human-Isu War, hybrid creatures were used to get the upper hand over the opposing species.Hybrid animals were left behind after the Toba Catastrophe, which occurred during the days leading up to the slave insurrection. Unlike their Isu founders, the hybrid monsters lasted far over 75,000 years into the present, having withstood the Great Catastrophe. This data will be essential to future explanations.In addition, as Ubisoft has not provided a detailed confirmation of Loki's Isu offspring of the mythology, this page is our conjecture and hypothesis based on the plot pieces that are now accessible.

The Children of Loki: The True Nature of Fenrir, Jormungandr, and Hel, and the Prophecy of Nornir

The whole tale of Valhalla and Mirage was driven by Odin's desperation with avoiding his predetermined demise at Ragnarök. During the last fight at the beginning of the impending Great Catastrophe, the Norns Skuld, Verðandi, and Urðr utilised their calculations to prophesy that Havi (Odin) would be murdered by a "wolf" (wolves in Norse mythology signify dangerous and paranormal entities in the Isu realm).There are two primary and compelling theories about the origins of Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Hel:
  1. Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Hel are normal Isu children but engineered to survive the Great Catastrophe.
  2. They are networked artificial intelligence in synthetic Isu bodies created by Loki and Aletheia.
By analysing the virtual depiction of Eivor and Kassandra's genetic memories, I shall elaborate on the aforementioned hypotheses. and expanding on specifics from the previously known Isu legend.This Assassin's Creed Mirage ending explanation guide is finally coming to a close. Even if you could have read War and Peace faster, I appreciate you staying with me. As I said before, a lot of the piece is theoretical, but the next time I'll talk about the Binding of Fenrir and its possible effects on the plot of the series. Watch this space for further coverage in our GT Originals!

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